Tuesday 25 March 2014

An interview with Max

The continuing writing efforts as I struggle with my assignments for my writing course this is Week Four

An interview with Max by Fee
The first thing anyone speaking to Max sees and feels is Max's immense enjoyment of life. This jovial gentleman hails from the Isle of Wight and rarely stops chuckling. This is doubtlessly because Max is a practitioner of the Chinese art of Shiatsu, which is a form of needle less acupuncture, without the prescription of any Chinese medicines. Many people will find that reassuring, given the possible content of some Chinese Medicines. Max uses thumbs to locate problems with the body, which he then treats by applying pressure to the appropriate point of the node to give relief. For those whose knowledge of acupuncture, needle less or otherwise is limited, Max was happy to explain a little of his methodology, "The whole body is controlled by meridians which are energy lines that run through the body connecting parts, which at first, do not seem connected. They are lines of energy slightly similar to the familiar system of the Chakras, which only use the spinal cord for healing."

Max's fluidity and ability to explain the scientific basis behind this ancient Chinese medicine in plain English allows the majority of people with a basic education to understand the basics. "It is based on the early foetal development where as the foetus develops it undergoes changes where it resembles many forms of earlier life forms before becoming identifiably human". To further add understanding Max continued "Studying the development of the foetus, it is possible to understand more about the meridians and nodes". He used the meridian, which runs up the arm, along the shoulder to the throat and then the nose as an example, "This is the meridian, which controls the lungs". For anyone considering any form of alternative healing, the practitioner should instill the potential client with confidence and Max is certainly such a practitioner so that the experience of receiving Shiatsu from Max is made more beneficial, by his positive disposition and clear bright Spirit.

When max is not thumbing his clients, he has been known to pop into the J D Wetherspoon branch of public houses, not as a customer, but as a Quiz Machine operative. Max is a multi-faceted person and the time constraint regrettably only allowed two of those facets to be briefly illuminated. 



"That is a brilliant piece of science? writing. My kind of science writing anyway."

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