Wednesday 26 March 2014

A profile of Modern Druidism in the Great Britain

Another assignment. This is week Five. 

A profile of Modern Druidism in the Great Britain

For the majority of people in Great Britain, the term druid conjures up images of flowing cloaks, secret rituals, and megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge, in Wiltshire. The first record of the druids comes from Greek texts dating from 300 BC and after the Roman invasion of the British Isles, there was a systematic, pernicious attempt to eradicate all druids. The role of druids faded into legend until the early nineteen century when, the name Druid began to appear in Romantic fiction, such as Chateaubriand's novel Les Martyrs (1809) which narrated the doomed love of a druid priestess and a Roman soldier.

With regard to the modern day Druids, the British Museum is blunt "Modern Druids have no direct connection to the Druids of the Iron Age." Despite this, Druid Orders are flourishing and in 2010, The Druid Network achieved official recognition as a religion in the UK when the Charity Commission granted them charitable status. The Druid Network includes a multitude of Druidic Orders across the British Isles. Some are secretive, but most perform rituals in their own areas, which are not specifically private, but are not advertised, though many work with the local community for events such as May Day. These Druid Orders consider their role to be primarily Spiritual, with an additional focus on education for those who wish to learn more about the Earth-Based religion of Gods and Goddesses where the female is as important, if not more so, than the male and the year is made up of a circle of eight festivals.

A few Druid Orders are not part of the mainstream Druid Network. These tend to be very visible and one, The Loyal Arthurian Warband (LAW), is actively anti-establishment. It is as the name suggests an Order of Druids led by and for Arthur Pendragon (ex-biker John Rothwell), a long time campaigner and tree sitter at such unsuccessful protests as the Newbury Bypass. LAW was previously affiliated to the Council of British Druid Orders, until Arthur resigned.

Arthur campaigned for the open access of Stonehenge and was one of a group of people who did force English Heritage to grand "free and open access" to Stonehenge four times a year for the main quarters of the Pagan Calendar. Currently LAW is campaigning for the "bones of the ancestors" to be returned to the ground, which was started by the group Honouring the Ancient Dead, but like other causes LAW made it their own. The members of LAW campaign to raise money to support Arthur's various pickets, 20-a-day habit, and penchant for cider.

Arthur is the Druid equivalent to Marmite. Members of LAW, and those who still wish to return to the 1970 free festivals love him, but he is viewed with varying levels of distain by many, from a variety of walks of life including other Druids and Pagans, English Heritage (EH), the Local Council and residents close to Stonehenge. Arthur's call to arms for a protest outside the new visitor centre at Stonehenge in December 2013 for the return of "the bones of the ancestors" the met with very limited success. Of the expected 50 to 60 protestors, less than 18 showed their support. Originally, the campaign was for the return of cremated bone fragments first excavated almost 100 years ago, which are on loan to a university for research until 2015, after which their location will be reviewed, irrespective of Arthur's campaign. The campaign has now expanded to include the 'Amesbury Archer' who had been displayed in museums for a number of years without problem, but became included in the LAW campaign when it was agreed by EH to display the skeleton in the new visitor centre at Stonehenge.

Arthur spoke after the protest of his disappointment. It is a typical example of his attitude, which wins him little support by the general public or other Spiritual Druid Orders and Pagans in general. 

"They are too lazy or can’t be bothered to stand and be counted, in the case of our planned protest for 18th at Stonehenge they find some excuse not to attend, and boy have I heard some hum-dingers this month. They tell me, you see, you’ve been so dam rude that we don’t feel able to stand with you, and of course the usual ‘Druid’ argument, we don’t want to rock the boat, we support you but can’t possibly be seen to stand with you, wouldn’t do our reputation any good. You’re not standing with me you’re standing up for the Ancestors or in most cases not bothering."


This issue, like many others has resulted in a range of opinions and Arthur does not deal with those with a differing opinion well. Almost 300 archaeologists and other academics signed a petition in support of retention of the cremated bone fragments and the whole skeleton where the condition can be maintained until new methods allow for further research. Either many Pagans are in favour, or not against the bones being kept safely, agreeing that reburial is not necessarily the best option. Arthur's disdain for the opinions of others is shown when he said 

"As for those actively opposing me and the campaign claiming that I am dividing the Pagan community over this issue, I’ve got news for you they have never been anything but divided over any issue you wish to name. Organising Pagans is like Herding Cats. If I really thought that my fronting the campaign was causing difficulties I would willingly step aside, but the truth is, most of them just aren’t interested and resort to using the Anti-Arthur rhetoric as an excuse for their own shortcomings. When we win, for I am certain in the fullness of time we shall be victorious, it will be chronicled who stood with and who against the Ancestors."

It will be interesting to see if he is successful and can chronicle those who stood with him, although Arthur has previously declared victories where there was none. An example is his recent campaign regarding the access to the droves adjacent to Stonehenge. The other parties involved, including the local council and residents saw his appearance at the hearings to be negative to his cause, and although he declared to his followers that he had won the day, the legal documents proved he hadn't.

Merlin was LAW's Arch druid, second only to Arthur, although many were not surprised when a difference of opinion, resulted in Arthur sacked him. Do not expect democracy in LAW, after all, it is run by and for a King.

By contrast, to Arthur, Merlin of England is a man of science, particularly physics and astrology. He has spent years studying the alignment of the stones at Stonehenge, working with an RAF pilot using advanced radar to produce factual proposals for the purposes of Stonehenge and other Neolithic circular sites in the British Isles. Modestly he said, "I am just putting science back into Stonehenge. Astrology is not a science as no Astrologer has ever submitted a paper for peer review. So it is a belief system. You can believe anything you like but that doesn't mean that it is true." Merlin is always willing to listen to dissenting opinions and he is happy to use new theories as the basis to continue to refine his own ideas.

The contrast between these two Druids, both so often included in the media is that while Arthur seeks the limelight whether on his 'Stonehenge Picket' or as he conducts ceremonies at Stonehenge where he knights new recruits to LAW. His life is devoted to 'causes' which he often takes on when the outcome is either almost certain to fail, or almost certain to succeed. Arthur protested for the fences to come down around Stonehenge, and declared 

"I will not enter the stones until the fences have gone". 

When it was announced that as part of the new Visitor Centre and closure of the road running along the side of the stones, Arthur claimed "We have wonand returned to within the stones, even though the fences still stand!

Meanwhile, Merlin stands a Druid alone, looking tranquil as photographers swoop in like seagulls attracted to a shoal of stranded fish. Merlin remains approachable and always willing to hold an intelligent discussion, but tries to shun the limelight. Merlin gives interviews, when asked, but they do not find their way onto the various media outlets who are usually looking for the 'mad ranting druid' angle and Merlin may wear the Druid Cloak and like Arthur carry a sword, but Merlin's thoughts are too sensible, normal and scientific to be of any use to the Hyena which plague the popular media exemplified by the Daily Mail. Many other Druid orders, like Merlin prefer to shy away from the media and sadly that also means they prefer to visit Stonehenge on the public open access days for fear they become tarred with the 'King Arthurian brush'. 


Coming soon.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

An interview with Max

The continuing writing efforts as I struggle with my assignments for my writing course this is Week Four

An interview with Max by Fee
The first thing anyone speaking to Max sees and feels is Max's immense enjoyment of life. This jovial gentleman hails from the Isle of Wight and rarely stops chuckling. This is doubtlessly because Max is a practitioner of the Chinese art of Shiatsu, which is a form of needle less acupuncture, without the prescription of any Chinese medicines. Many people will find that reassuring, given the possible content of some Chinese Medicines. Max uses thumbs to locate problems with the body, which he then treats by applying pressure to the appropriate point of the node to give relief. For those whose knowledge of acupuncture, needle less or otherwise is limited, Max was happy to explain a little of his methodology, "The whole body is controlled by meridians which are energy lines that run through the body connecting parts, which at first, do not seem connected. They are lines of energy slightly similar to the familiar system of the Chakras, which only use the spinal cord for healing."

Max's fluidity and ability to explain the scientific basis behind this ancient Chinese medicine in plain English allows the majority of people with a basic education to understand the basics. "It is based on the early foetal development where as the foetus develops it undergoes changes where it resembles many forms of earlier life forms before becoming identifiably human". To further add understanding Max continued "Studying the development of the foetus, it is possible to understand more about the meridians and nodes". He used the meridian, which runs up the arm, along the shoulder to the throat and then the nose as an example, "This is the meridian, which controls the lungs". For anyone considering any form of alternative healing, the practitioner should instill the potential client with confidence and Max is certainly such a practitioner so that the experience of receiving Shiatsu from Max is made more beneficial, by his positive disposition and clear bright Spirit.

When max is not thumbing his clients, he has been known to pop into the J D Wetherspoon branch of public houses, not as a customer, but as a Quiz Machine operative. Max is a multi-faceted person and the time constraint regrettably only allowed two of those facets to be briefly illuminated. 



"That is a brilliant piece of science? writing. My kind of science writing anyway."

My skill in doing exactly what is not required


I am currently attending a writing course. So far, I seem to be able to do exactly what is NOT required. In fact I would say I am skilled at doing this.

For this interview I was chastised for not using quotes. 
What and idiot! 
Of course I should have used quotes. 
OK Fairy-snuff. I'll accept that as a valid criticism.
I didn't ask the interviewee's surname.
Another valid criticism. 
Of the other more damning criticism of being "too scientific", I should have used quotes because all the scientific references were from my interviewee himself. 
I do feel that  my BSc Biological Science degree is being held as a very large and hugely negative aspect of my life experiences probably because I can't quote the same 'arty' or 'leftie' writers as those also on the course. I did find a suitable quote completely by accident for Week Three and that was appreciated, even though I felt a fraud because I'd never heard of him or his writing until an accidental 'Google' brought it up and I decided to use it as I knew a bit of "arty-farty" would go down well.  
But anyway, I persevere mostly because I've paid for it and because if I do hope to learn something.


As a PS I'd like to add I got the prize at the end of the course for being the student who had shown the most improvement during the course. So to use completely inappropriate language for a writer. I'm going to simply said

"I feel well Dench"

Monday 24 March 2014

Why I hate Social Media

After not writing on my registered blog for the longest of times, I thought I'd better start writing some stuff. Yes 'stuff' isn't a grammatically correct word, but it is never the less a word which suits how I'm feeling today.

Thank the Gods it's only Monday. I don't want to be late submitting my Hothouse assignment as I attempt to write a piece which isn't classed as an EPIC FAIL.

"EPIC FAIL? What sort of talk is that?you might ask. It is with-it-speech apparently. I will be endeavouring to write a piece which is Well Dench.  

In 1993, the Internet was soft, cuddly and safe. It was the days before viruses. And it was generally the days before trolls arrived to purposefully stalk the unfortunate. The term 'troll' was then simply someone, or something out of either Lord of the Rings or the Billy Goats Gruff. I haven't included the Harry Potter books for they had not yet been written.


In so many ways, it is now the Internet which is rotten to the core, but Social Media which is infected by people, many of whom really should have been better as a wet patch, or at least a salty mouth rinse. 

These people are linked by a common interest such as a dead pop star. They frequently call themselves 'The Family' and suddenly develop extra 'sisters' and 'brothers' who frequently become known as 'sissie' and 'bro'. Am I peculiar in thinking that is odd? I don't think so because outsiders who have experienced some of the interactions between 'family members' have concluded that they are members of a cult and said "The most dangerous mad people are those who don't know they are mad."

The 'family' members usually have so little to actually do they have so much time on their hands they can work their poison, on existing and new members to their 'family'.  and spread like a plague, all linked by a common interest, such as a dead pop star. Then like bacteria in the mouth, they congregate into the human equivalent of dental plaque and as with dental plaque, the human form can also be classed as a metaphorical sticky film which tries to envelope the target. As soon as they have their object in sight, like dental plaque bacteria, they secrete verbal and written acids which not only attack the targeted individual, but also their friends. Those friends who are also 'family members' (cultists) of varying degrees of dedication will split into two distinct forms. 

1) Those who also have lives so entwined with the same subject as the plaque bacteria, they are certainly cultists themselves.

2) Those who are not full cult members, but will not defend the individual being attacked for fear they find themselves being targeted too. A friend referred to them as "being able to enter rooms without opening the door!" 

In addition, thankfully, there are people for whom the cult subject either holds little or no interest, or they like the same subject, but cannot slide under doors. These people usually have full, busy lives. 

As I have been the subject of Trolls, both on the Internet and via the old-age method of the printed word since the tern of the Millennium, it is something which I should be used to. But it isn't as easy as that. 

Periodically, when I least expect it, my time is stolen, by those who would ensure I am kept from focusing on the important works which I should be dedicating my time to. 

To quote Marc Bolan "People come, people go. Some move fast, some move slow." Many of the Trolls have come and gone, but as one goes it is replaced by another. Some Trolls disappear, only to reappear, like a new cold sore after five, ten, or more years. 

Although it has been hard, finally I am getting things up to date so that I can pick up the project I have farted around with since late 1999/2000.

Then once I have completed that task, I can move onto the long list of other things I would like to do before I pass over to the other side. 

On that note (an E Sharp perhaps) I will conclude, apart to add a photo of Mr. Took.