Wednesday 16 April 2014


I periodically Google to see what's happening in relation to Marc Bolan's Shrine. I found a not that recent, but still good page.

But with it was a comment. The nameless person with no profile left a very hateful comment about me. Naturally he didn't use my name, but as there are two females in TAG and the younger one is my daughter who cannot be described as  "main love was Steve Took", so that logically only leaves one other person he could be talking about ... Me. 

As for Steve Took ... I'm writing his biography and since when did it become illegal to like more than one musician? This I cite as an example of what a nut man is. 

I am pretty sure the man who wrote this and many other similar messages on You Tube and Social Media Sites is is safe and secure in Belfast, writing, as cowards do, from inside his home and with even a stretch of water between him and us. 

Cowards like him insult, poke, prod and purposefully disseminate lies to make themselves feel better about themselves.

Cowards like him are NOT men. 
Men do not stoop to this level of patheticness.

Cowards like him pick on disabled women. 
Men address the husband who is the actual correct person to address any grievances to.

Cowards stalk people for the kudos the get from their 'friends'. 
Men do not stoop so low. 

Below is what he wrote.

Electric Wind said...Been to the TREE many times, it's such a pity that the lease is owned by a woman whose main love was Steve Took,and who just uses Marc Bolan as an ego trip. A very nasty woman who is disliked by 99.9% of Bolan Fans. We appreciate the work done eg the steps,but the bust looks nothing like Marc Bolan,this is were are Hero died and it belongs to ALL fans of Marc. KEEP A LITTLE MARC IN YOUR HEART.June 8, 2010 at 11:34 AM

If you notice, that insult has been loitering on the internet without the man who wrote the original blog having the good sense (IMHO) to take it down.

My reply Fee said...Dear All. It is a great regret that a small percentage of Marc Bolan fans are quite frankly deranged. There are so many wonderful fans, and nameless idiots like this one give the impression that all Marc Bolan fans are raving loonies. 

Dear Electric Wind. What a pity you hide behind a faceless image and a silly pseudonym. As for who I am a fan of. The majority of people consider me to be a huge Bolan fan, because of what I and the other members of TAG have done. 
What have you done Electric Wind Nothing, other than spread hateful jealous lies about me. ? 

I, like people knew actually knew Marc Bolan know he had good and bad points. Sadly some of his fans only ever want to hear 'nice' things, which detracts from him as a human being. Flawed, but with a fabulous talent and a smile that can still set hearts racing around the globe. 

As you well know Electric Wind, the lease is owned by four people and you REFUSE to target your nastiness at the Chairman - Mr. Kevin Warner, because it is easier for you to pick on a disabled woman, than face-up to another MAN. 

If I was truly the "very nasty woman" you say I am, I would have had a fence put around the whole thing to ensure people like you could not get to it and vandalise the site as your friends have done in the past.

I am just one of of the four members of TAG. All of us have worked very hard to make and keep the site looking a tribute to Marc Bolan and his band T.Rex, which makes your comment that my main love is Steve Took sound laughable, otherwise I if I was so minded I would have made a Shrine for him, though all who know Took would probably agree that a 'Shrine' for Took would be quite inappropriate. 

If I was not a Bolan fan, I would NOT have spent my money (and no one else's) on the Bronze of Marc Bolan which his own Brother described as "a wonderful likeness". I actually 'bailed out' the sinking project because the sculptor had been let down after 18 months and 500 hours of work by the "official" fan club. He was out of pocket and the sculptor was done when they canceled the project and backed out of the deal taking the money they raised with them, rather than pay it to him as they should have done.  :-( 

Only after you pay for a second Bronze of Marc will you FAIRLY be able to criticise the one there. One final point - if, as you say, the site belongs to ALL fans, then YOU can pay for the tree surgeon to rectify the mindless vandalism to the tree. 

Off you go. 

Let's see how many of these "ALL" want to put their hands in their pockets and fund a professional Tree Surgeon. As we have the lease, please let us know when he is doing the work and ensure that all the correct paperwork with regards to the Highways Agency and the Local Council has been done. 

It is a weight of my mind that you are going to do the fund raising for it. You shouldn't need more than around £700-£1,000. 

Finally, Electric Wind - Do come to the Shrine on the 16th September and express your thoughts to the TAG Chairman in person.

April 16, 2014 at 1:19 PM

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